1. Information for Event Planners
  2. CS Team Registration Discounts

How to Import Discounts

If you want to add more than one discount at one time learn how to do so here.

How to Import

Download the Import Discount Template here: Import Discounts Template

1. Click Registration in the side navigation.
2. Click the Actions button, then select Discounts in the menu.
3. On the Discounts screen, click the Import Discounts button.

Download the import discounts template here: Import Discounts Template

Fill out the template, upload into the system, and submit! At this time, we only offer discount code, percentage off, fixed amount off, active from, active to and limit on registrations as available fields when importing discounts.

NOTE: For each discount, only one of either percent off or fixed amount off can be used for each discount. If both fields have values, the discount will be skipped during import.

Import Requirements

Two fields are required

  • Discount Code
  • Percent Off or Fixed Amount Off

Other Import Rules

The following validations will be applied against imported discounts, :

  • A discount code is required
  • The chosen discount code can't be the same as another code (this includes hidden Price Tiers) in the event.
  • You must enter either a fixed amount off or a percentage off, but not both.
  • The date format for "Active from" and "Active to" must be mm/dd/yyyy.
  • The "Active from" date must be before the "Active to" date.

Post Import

You will receive an email after the import has processed. In this email, you will be notified of how many discounts were successfully imported, and which ones failed. If any failed, there will be a CSV file attached with the rows that failed from the original import. Each row will contain the errors that prevented the record from being imported appended to the original row.

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